Opuntia Vulgaris (prickly pear)


Min Temp : -5°C
Location: Sun
Water requirements : Limited
Flowering period : 5-8
Scented : No
Edible: Yes
Use: Container / Terrace plant
Evergreen: Yes
Height: Up to 2m


The plant is an extensively branched, up to 2 m high cactus. The plant forms oval discs, up to 50 cm long and 20 cm wide. The discs have wart-forming pads with many fine, stinging bristles (glochids) with one or two small thorns, which can break off when touched and end up in the skin.
The fruit (prickly pear) is an ovoid or oval, 5-10 cm long and up to 6 cm wide, which ends in a round, sunken navel. The fruit is wine red both inside and out. The thin skin is smooth and covered with glochids and spines. The fruits can be halved and spooned out. The juicy flesh is soft-fleshed and contains many seeds about 5 mm in size. The seeds can be eaten with the flesh.
Not only are the fruits edible, the succulent discs can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable after removing the thorns.