Passiflora Caerulea – Passionflower


Flowering Diode :
June, July, August, September, October
Passifloras like well-drained soil. Plants in a large pot. Preferably in a sheltered, sunny place.
The plant climbs with clinging tendrils, providing a climbing opportunity for the plant.
This variety is hardy, protecting the roots from severe frost is recommended.
Overwinter in a light, not too warm place.

SKU: 15.026 Category:


The genus Passiflora is a genus of perennial and mostly climbing plants with tendrils in the family Passifloraceae. The only known annual species is Passiflora gracilis. There are also trees and shrubs under the passion flowers. More than 500 species are known.

The natural range of the passion flowers is in North America, the Caribbean and in Central and South America. In South America, they are found from the Andes to tropical lowlands. Australia has three species that are native there. Passion flowers are also native to Oceania and Asia.

According to tradition, Spanish missionaries used passion flowers to illustrate the crucifixion story of Jesus Christ. But since the passion flowers were only discovered in South America in the 16th century, the legend that the plant wound itself around the cross of Christ must be dismissed as nonsense.

The leaves of the passionflower Passiflora incarnata are used in phytotherapy as a sedative and as a sedative. The most well-known edible fruits come from the Edulis and Flavicarpa species.