Eutrema japonicum/ Wasabia Japonica (wasabi)


Min Temp : -10°C
Location: partial shade to shade
Water requirements : moist
Flowering period : 4-5
Scented : No
Edible: Yes
Use: Container / Terrace plant / garden plant (sheltered)
Evergreen: Yes
Height: up to 50cm
SKU: 70.138 Categories: ,


Wasabi (Japanese, 山葵) is a very pungent spice in Japanese cuisine, which is often used in sushi and other fish dishes.

The mustard-like substance is made from the root stem of Wasabia japonica (synonym: Eutrema japonicum). The taste of real wasabi is different from that of horseradish, and real wasabi has a striking green color. Imitation wasabi is marketed in tubes and in powder form, among other things. The advantage of real wasabi is that it is less pungent and that this pungent taste does not last as long as with other pungent spices such as red peppers. After swallowing wasabi, the pungent taste is immediately gone.