Ficus Carica Breva (Light Fig)


Attention, this item will be pruned a bit for transport!

Min Temp : Well hardy
Location: Sunny
Water requirements : Limited
Flowering period : 5-8
Scented : No
Edible: Yes
Use: Container / Garden plant
Evergreen: No
Height: Up to 2m and more, easy to prune
SKU: 70.163 Category:


The fig tree (Ficus carica) is a species of mulberry in the family Moraceae. The fig tree is a spreading shrub or a slightly leaning tree with upright, knobby branches. The bark of the tree is smooth and metallic grey. As the tree ages, a dark gray pattern emerges.

The leaves are thick and leathery. The upper side of the leaf is dark green and rough-haired; The underside is also hairy and has white veins.
The fig tree has small flowers. They are enclosed in an almost closed flower base that is fleshy. The male flowers are close to the opening.

The figs are dark green and pear-shaped. When they ripen, they usually turn violet or black. The fruits are eaten fresh or dried. They have laxative properties.