Carya Illinoinensis (Pecan)


Min Temp : -14°C
Location: Sunny
Water requirements : Moderate
Flowering period : 5-8
Scented : No
Edible: Yes
Use: Container / Terrace plant, open ground
Evergreen: Yes
Height: up to 5m and more
SKU: 70.079-1 Category:


The pecan nut (Carya illinoinensis) is a deciduous tree of the Walnut family (Juglandaceae) that can be up to 40 or 50 metres high.

The fruits are elongated-oval to cylindrical nut fruits. The skin is reddish-brown in color and covered with dark brown stripes. The seed is strongly grooved, just like the walnut. It has a sweet to nutty taste

The seeds of the nut are eaten raw. They are also often offered roasted and salted or used to garnish cakes, confectionery and ice cream. The oil that can be extracted from the fruits is edible, but it is mainly used in the cosmetics industry.

The pecan is native to the southern United States. It is planted in areas with a subtropical or warm temperate climate. Pecans can also grow in the Dutch climate, especially the northernmost varieties from the United States.