Nerium Oleander (jar 15) in varieties


Min Temp : -5°C
Location: Sunny
Water requirements : Medium to high
Flowering period : Spring / Summer / Autumn
Scented : No
Edible: No
Use: Container / Terrace plant
Evergreen: Yes
Height: Up to 2m
SKU: 35.000 Categories: ,


The oleander (Nerium oleander) is a species of flowering plant in the periwinkle family (Apocynaceae).
It is a richly branched, bushy, 2-6 m tall shrub or tree that contains poisonous milky sap in all vegetative parts.

The fragrant flowers grow in terminal, multi-flowered umbels
The fruits are elongated, 8-18 cm long, reddish-brown, erect pods that pop open when ripe.
The seeds bear a long, brown crest of hair.
The oleander is found in the Mediterranean region, southern Portugal and from Iran to East Asia. It is found on stony soils, flooded banks and in periodically dry stream beds. There are cultivars with double flowers.

According to Theophrastus, the oleander was used as a poisonous plant during Alexander the Great’s campaign.
Hieronymus Bock and Pietro Andrea Mattioli (Matthiolus) referred to the oleander in their herbal books (1565 and 1626) as a demon herb that could kill humans and livestock.