Ziziphus Jujuba (Chinese date tree)


Min Temp : -20°C
Location: Sunny
Water requirements : Moderate
Flowering period : Summer
Scented : No
Edible: Yes
Use: Cockpit / Terrace / Open ground
Evergreen: No
Height: 2m and more
SKU: 70.026 Categories: ,


The Chinese jujube is an evergreenÿor in dry periodsÿdeciduous, up to 15 meters highÿshrubÿofÿtree. In autumn, these leaves take on a yellow color. The hanging branches of the jujube are covered with a fluffy hair, and they grow zigzagging between the successive leaves.

The jujube bears drupes that vary greatly in shape and size. They are round to pear-shaped and unripe green in color. During ripening, the fruit turns from green to golden yellow with reddish-brown spots. The ripened fruit is completely red. Shortly after this, the fruit softens and begins to wrinkle.