Coffea Arabica (Coffee)


Min Temp : +10°C
Location: Penumbra
Water requirements : Moderate
Flowering period : 5-8
Scented : Yes
Edible: Yes
Use: Container / Terrace plant
Evergreen: Yes
Height: up to 12m


The coffee plant (Coffea) is a genus of woody plants. Most species (33) are found in tropical Africa and originate mainly in Ethiopia. All species are woody plants and can be creeping, shrubbing, tree-forming or liana-forming depending on the species.

The flowers are grouped together in groups of 2-20 in the leaf axils. It is only after rainfall that the flower buds begin to develop, and eight to twelve days later, a mass flowering occurs.

The fruit of the coffee plant is a drupe. Each fruit contains a pit containing the coffee beans. Because the seeds press against each other during ripening, the characteristic shape is created. The dried and roasted seeds of the plant serve as the base for coffee, a stimulating, caffeinated beverage. Coffee is mainly cultivated on plantations in tropical countries. Coffee is one of the most important commodities in the world and is an important export product from countries around the equator, such as Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia.