Carissa Grandiflora


Min Temp : +2°C
Location: Sunny
Water requirements : Moderate
Flowering period : 4-8
Scented : Yes
Edible: Yes
Use: Container / Terrace plant
Evergreen: Yes
Height: up to 1m and more


Carissa Macrocarpa

The natal plum is an evergreen, climbing shrub, up to 0.5 m high. All plant parts contain a sticky milky sap. The branches are covered with branched thorns up to 5 cm long. The leaves are opposite, oval, 3-7 cm long, dark green, leathery and glossy on the upper side.

The flowers have a long flower tube and are very fragrant. They are solitary in the leaf axils. The petals are elongated and white or pink in color.

The fruits are round to ovoid and pinkish-red in color. The flesh is deep red in color, juicy and tastes strawberry-like.