Exotica has an extensive collection of caudex plants and related plants. Some we grow ourselves, but most of them come from an importer specialized in these kinds of fun but still somewhat bizarre plants. We then pot them up and bring them to growth and sale. Unfortunately, there are so many different types and sizes that it is difficult to sell them directly online. Moreover, there are often only a small number of pieces available per species and sending stone pots is a risk and of course, each subsequent plant is slightly different from the previous one. Below you will find a list of the available varieties to give you an idea, feel free to drop by the store or email us for more info.
Adenium arabicum
Adenium Obesum
adenia spinosa
Adenia Glauca
Boophane disticha
Boweia volubilis
Brunsvigia grandiflora
Bursera fagaroides
Coccinia grandis
Cyphia linarioides
Eriospermum cooperii
Eriospermum dregeii
Eriospermum paradoxum
Euphorbia bubalina
Euphorbia gamkaensis
Euphorbia globosa
Euphorbia gorgonis
Euphorbia janponica
Euphorbia Tortirama
Euphorbia trichadenia
Euphorbia stellata
Fockea edulis
Foquieria columnaris
Gerrardanthus macrorhizus
Haemathus multiflorus
Heamanthus coccineus
Ipomoea simplex
Ipomoea bolusii
Kedrostis africana
Mestoklema tuberosa
Merremia holobii
Pachypodium bispinosum
Pachypodium succulentum
Pachypodium Saundersii
Petopentia Natalensis
Pterodiscus makatiniensis
Raphionacmi burkei
Raphionacmi hirsuta
Raphionacmi procumbens
Scilla saturata
Stephania cepharantha Var. Hayata
Stephania rotundifolia
Stephania erecta
Talinum caffrum
Tylecodon spp
Urginea epigea