Punica Granatum – Pomegranate


Min Temp : -12/-14°C very hardy
Location: Sunny
Water requirements : Average
Flowering period : Spring
Scented : No
Edible: Yes, pomegranates
Use: Cockpit / Terrace / Open ground
Evergreen: No
Height: Up to 2m and more
SKU: 70.034 Category:


The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is both the one to six meter high shrub with long, thorny branches and the fruit of this shrub. The plant can lose its leaves in dry times.

The fruit of the pomegranate is round and the size of a grapefruit (8.12 cm diameter). The fruit is very juicy and contains large cells like a citrus fruit, but each cell contains a seed of about 3 mm in size. There is a kind of jelly around the seeds, like the seeds of a tomato. In ripe fruits, the flesh is dark red. The skin is very firm and leathery.